Saturday night at the movies…

Being cooped up feeling rotten was really starting to get to me by Saturday. My darling sis came to the rescue & accompanied me to any early  movie. We were still enjoying a taste of summer at the weekend and my outfit reflected this. Colourful, slouchy, light & oh so comfortable. 


The treggings are a new & perfect addition. Up close the look like tapestry, which is all kinds of awesome. I can see me teaming them with everything.  


Treggings – Asos Curve

Dress – H&M

Cardigan – John Lewis 

It’s no secret that I love my city & I honestly can’t stop help myself from snapping away at its streets. This is one of my favourites taken en route to the cinema.


Oh & our evenings entertainment was ‘The Duff’ a trashy feel good teen comed because sometimes you want to laugh not think. 

Woe is me…

I had to go into hospital on Monday. I’m home now, but still feeling rubbish.  Unfortunately this means I have nothing pretty or interesting to blog about. I shall hopefully rectify that this weekend. In the mean time if you can’t live without me, I have a few pieces on The Swag Guide. There are also lots of other wonderful writers, so please do check it out.


Gown – Nhs 

Green garden…

Last night was my weekly sushi & shopping excursion with my sister. I snapped up a very simple black maxi, which will be perfect for so many things. My sister was a wee it more daring with a gorgeous multi coloured bikini. With the shopping part of our ritual taken care of it was time to stuff our faces. With a brand new & very tempting menu we certainly did.


No evening is complete without blog photos, so we got snapping. I’ve had this dress forever, but I never tire of it. The colours & print are just so me. I teemed it with some new tights. I loved them in my bedroom mirror, however seeing these pictures I am having second thoughts. What do you think?



Dress – H&M

Tights – Osiris


What I would have spent…

… If only they sold my size. Following in the footsteps of some other plus sized babes, I am sharing what I would have bought. I’ve picked Topshop as their spring/summer collection has some really cool pieces with a 70’s vibe. Alas, I can have none of these beautiful things. Listen up Topshop, if you increased your size range to encompass my lovely fat arse, you would most definitely be raking in even more pennies. 



I am genuinely in need of those daisy print cigarette pants. If anyone can point me in the direction of something similar I will be forever grateful. 

My week in pictures

It’s been another crazy week. As I write this I am refuelling (with blood) & very much enjoying the opportunity to lie still for an extended period. The exhaustion is totally worth it. I’ve had a brilliant time.  There has been a lot of wedding shopping (my brother’s, not mine), some peachy sister time, loads of fur babies & even a mermaid. 



There was chocolate munching, retro purchases, beauty treats & a beautiful manicure from my nail wizard sister ( her original design)



As if that wasn’t enough, I also jumped on a train to visit my darling Lisa & her beautiful boy. The weather was glorious, which allowed us to have an epic picnic on the beach. Last, but very far from least, was dinner & cocktails with my most favourite man. 




I hope your week has been as lovely as mine. If not, you have a sunny weekend to make up for it! 

Upgrade Yourself

Recently, something has been getting on my wick. It started a few weeks ago when I overheard some boys talking on a bus. They were discussing their weekend exploits & one boy said that he’d pulled a certain girl. One of his mates said ‘ but, she’s fat’ to which the original lad replied that fat girls let you do anything. Much laughter ensued. Those pathetic fat girls are just so funny. Succumbing to any sexual pressure because no one else might ever want them ha ha ha

Ever since then I’ve been noticing the fat jokes more. Comedians, films, Facebook, they’re everywhere. All basically saying the same thing; fat women are not sexy. People only sleep with us because they’re desperate or for a bet or because we’ll be so incredibly grateful we will forget how to say no.


I am sexy. Men (& women) desire me. I am chatted up rather a lot actually. I have dated extensively. Some of the folk I’ve been with were seriously hot and shock horror, they thought I was hot too. 


My sex life is fantastic. I have all the agency & choice of my thinner sisters. I have never felt thankful that someone deigned to fuck me. I would have nothing to do with a person who entertained such notions. 

I am smart, passionate,weird & smoking hot. People are attracted to me for all those reasons. I’m a whole person with lots to offer & so are you. I want fat girls to know that your romantic/sexual life will be no different from anyone else’s. Do not let popular culture’s representation of fat get under your skin. You will meet arseholes & sweethearts. They will come on all shapes & sizes. You will have amazing sex & really quite bad sex. People will love you. People will find you utterly beautiful. 

You do not have settle. Do not put up with anyone who makes you feel less than. You deserve love, passion, companionship & fun. Believe me, you will get it. 

Now, take a deep breath & get out there. 


If you like what I do you can support me here or on Patreon.

Good day sunshine…

Happy Easter! It seems that zombie jesus ressurected the sun, for which I am truly thankful. Winter seems to have been upon us forever & finally taking a walk in the sun was glorious. 

As usual we visited Mum. Shared some chocolate & chatter, then proceeded to take the dogs to the park. I adore all of my canine family, but sometimes when they get together, they are maniacs. Yesterday was one of those days. My sister’s boy Seb is desperately in love with Mum’s oldest, Coco. He absolutely had to be by her side at every moment (I’ll skim over the humping). As cute as this is it makes walking them on the leads a little tricky. Once we reached the park all was well. All three pups got to run free whilst we humans had a wee rest. If you’ve never seen a poodle in full run, believe me it is a sight to behold. They leap with such grace. In D’artangnan’s case the contrast between this poise & his usual daft self is adorable. 


I put together a really cute, casual outfit and was pleased with my look. However, by the time I had done battle  with a horny lab & the dogs had found every spot of mud in the vicinity I was looking a little less put together. So, here is my dishevelled self. I mind not because those doggies give me so much joy. 


Dress – Junarose

Flatforms – Primark

Headband – Ebay

Neither my Mother nor my sister was a fan of my floral ears. Judging by the looks of passersby, I suspect they were dubious too. I on the other hand adore them and let’s face it, only my opinion matters! I teemed them with these cute little side buns; my hair game was good. Worn with a t shirt dress & flatforms it added up to a great Easter park outfit. 




When we want these babies to pose for a photo they have none of it, but of the course the minute we try to take some without them, they insist on getting involved. Gorgeous, but naughty pups. 


The photo credits go to my sister, Lauren (as always), but she gets extra points for these beautiful pictures of the fur babies. You can check out her take on our day ( & probably more stunning pics) over at  Living in a box.

I hope you all had a happy Easter however you celebrate it.